Many times companies feel that the cost of direct mail marketing is too great, so they turn to digital alternatives. With so many marketing options it’s not really so surprising that direct mail is left out of the marketing mix. However, if you are not using direct mail you are missing out. Direct mail is a very powerful marketing channel.
Not sure if direct mail is for you? Check out these stats from a 2016 InfoTrends study:
- 66% of direct mail is opened: You are getting in front of your prospects and customer and they are seeing it.
- 82% of direct mail is read for a minute or more: You have a great opportunity to get your message read and understood.
- 78% Think Direct Mail is Effective: People like to get mail that is relevant to them.
- Response rates on average are 5% for customers and 2% for prospects: What are your current response rates with digital alone?
- The mean number of direct mail pieces received in a week are 3.5 letters in envelopes, 2.4 flyers/pamphlets, 1.9 brochures and 1.3 postcards: Mail boxes are no longer full, less mail means you stand out more.
- 56% of consumers who responded to direct mail went online or visited the physical store: This is what you want them to do, check out what you have to offer.
- 62% of consumers who responded to direct mail in the past three months made a purchase: This is the hot zone, you have just converted your prospects into customers and convinced customers to buy again.
These stats prove direct mail is effective.
Are you convinced that you now need to add direct mail to your marketing mix? Great! Now you are ready to learn how to effectively do that. There are 3 keys to effective direct mail. They are your audience, your design and your offer. If any of these three are not well thought out, your direct mail results will show it. We can help you to create powerful direct mail.
If you take the time and effort to do direct mail right you will see the results. As mail boxes are less full than email and other digital ads we are bombarded with, direct mail stands out and is the marketing you need to grow your business. You can start small and test a couple of difference offers with postcards to keep your costs down. Give direct mail a chance to produce results for you.
Are you ready to get started? Contact us today! We are glad to help!