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Tag: direct mail design

Color Strategy For Direct Mail

Direct Mail
In 2022, the use of color in direct mail is very important. The right colors can increase your response rates. Why is color so important? It is a powerful communication tool since color evokes feeling within us and ignites emotion. In direct mail we want to use the right set of colors to drive response. It does not matter if you are sending a letter in an envelope, a postcard or a self-mailer, all direct mail pieces are affected by color choices. Color is what people notice first without even realizing it. So how can you use colors to increase your direct mail response rates?
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direct mail strategies

Direct Mail Strategies That Make An Impression

Direct Mail
In 2022, the best part about direct mail is that it can be engaging and interactive. There is no other marketing channel that can provide a tactile experience. So, you want to make the most of that and create direct mail strategies that are fun. Have you ever opened a can of worms? I did, and it really was a can of worms.
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Inspiring Direct Mail

Create Inspiring Direct Mail

Direct Mail
Most marketers look at direct mail as a must do rather than a fun do. We need to turn that thinking around by creating inspiring direct mail. This is a fabulous strategy to drive engagement and sales! If you have been using direct mail for a long time, you may have reached the point where you continue to recycle the same strategy over and over again. It’s time to start a new strategy!
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Powerful Variable Data

Powerful Variable Data Direct Mail

Direct Mail
For 30 years we have been helping customers create and send great direct mail. There have been many changes over the years, but one of the best ones is the ability to create personalized mail pieces with variable data direct mail. Variable data allows you to send the right offer to the right person. In order to do this effectively you need to be using variable data for offers and images, not just names. Dear Summer, does not grab me, what draws me in are offers that I want.
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savvy direct mail

Savvy Direct Mail For 2021

Direct Mail
Direct mail has been around for a very long time. If you continue to do the same old pieces you have been mailing for a long time, you will see a drop in your response rates. You must create new, fresh and engaging savvy direct mail pieces to get the results you need. Why should you continue to mail with all the other channel options? Here are two stats from the DMA Fact Book: Direct mail customer response rates increased year-over-year by 43% and prospect response rates increased year-over-year by 190%.
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Influential Direct Mail

How To Create Influential Direct Mail

Direct Mail
Influential direct mail increases your response rates. How is your current direct mail influencing people to buy from you? Are you getting the results you expected? What if you could increase them by changing your narrative? The normal facts based approach is not the best way to reach people. In order to best illustrate the value of your product or service, you need to tell a compelling story. Why? Because emotion trumps logic every time.
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Good Direct Mail

Good Direct Mail Requires Grit

Direct Mail
Direct mail is not always an easy marketing channel to do right the first time. It takes persistence and perseverance to get the results you want. Angela Duckworth has written a book called Grit The Power of Passion and Perseverance. This book has many great take a ways for how we can improve our lives, but it is also very applicable to good direct mail marketing. Grit means committing to make things better, not waiting to see if it gets better. Grit takes control of a situation and makes things happen.
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Memorable Direct Mail

How To Create Memorable Direct Mail

Direct Mail
So what do I mean by memorable direct mail and why should your direct mail be memorable? By memorable I mean direct mail that really resonates or makes an impression on your prospects and customers. When this happens they are more likely to respond to your offer. After your first hurdle of grabbing attention so that your mail piece does not end up in the trash, your next hurdle is drawing them into your messaging. This is where the memorable part takes place.
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Compelling Direct Mail

Compelling Direct Mail

Direct Mail
In order to be as effective as possible your direct mail needs to be compelling. There are several factors involved with this. You need to send to a list of people who will be interested in your product or service, targeting to well qualified people will make your offer more compelling to them. You need a good relevant offer and finally you need a good attention getting design. For now let’s assume you have a good list so that we can focus on your design and your messaging.
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Email Marketing Open Rates

Planning The Best Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct Mail
Planning The Best Direct Mail Campaigns So many times we see poorly planned direct mail. It takes time to plan out effective direct mail campaigns....
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Create Direct Mail

How To Create Visually Appealing Direct Mail

Direct Mail
Since I work in the direct mail world I really keep an eye on my mail box. It’s good to know who is sending what and how I can make that work better for someone else. Too much of the mail I am getting in my mail box is too crowded with text and images. Why are we afraid of blank space on our direct mail? I am overwhelmed and I am willing to be that most people are. Yes you need both images and text, but when you fully cover a large mailer front and back it turns into just noise and noise goes in the trash. So how can we get our message across while using blank space to our advantage?
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Direct Mail

Direct Mail With Touch Increases Response Rates

Direct Mail
Direct mail with touch can do something that no digital channel ever can. Your direct mail should include touch elements to drive engagement and response.
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