Mobile Marketing

Should You Try Mobile Marketing Ads?


Not sure if mobile marketing ads are a good fit for you? The cost alone can be tempting but will you get the results you need? Let’s look at some of the good things about mobile ads and some of the bad.


  • Easy – Customers and prospects have the ability to respond at any time that is convenient for them. Campaigns are also easy for you to create and manage.
  • Results – You can track results very quickly. This can help you make changes on the fly to increase your response rates.
  • Fast – Your prospects and customers instantly get your message.
  • Cheaper – Many other marketing channels are much more expensive.
  • Location – You can target your ads based on the location people are in. This works well for store locations.


  • Options – Your prospects and customers have many options of phones and creating an ad that works the same on all of them is very difficult.
  • Screen – The design on the ads and the response screens are critical. If you make it too difficult or too long to fill out you will lose responses.
  • Laws – There are many ways to run afoul of the law with mobile marketing which can cause a big expensive lawsuit. Make sure you are aware of all potential issues before proceeding with a campaign.
  • People – Many people find mobile ads intrusive and annoying. This does not help you sell your product or service. Make sure you know what your prospects and customers preferences are.

There are a lot of factors to chew over before deciding on using mobile marketing ads. The most important thing is to plan out your strategy before execution. Set goals and objectives for the campaign. You should also gather feedback from customers to see what they like and dislike. Always get permission to contact them on mobile devices. Doing what is best for your customers is the most important thing, if adding mobile ads helps your customers and they like it, then go for it.

Have questions? Contact us today! We are glad to help!