You don’t just want to retain customers; you want to entice them to buy more from you. Direct mail is very effective in this area. Once they make a purchase from you, you have information about them to use for future offers. Remember that they have many options when buying, so continue to communicate why they should buy from you. So what do you need to do with your direct mail to keep customers buying from you?
4 Ways to Drive Customer Purchases With Direct Mail:
1. Creative
Don’t send them the same tired old mail pieces, spice them up, make them fun and drive sales. Think of ways your mail piece can engage them, a few ideas are endless folds, scavenger hunts and augmented reality.
2. Loyalty Program
Create a loyalty program with special benefits for them. These can be for discounts, free stuff or a chance to buy before anyone else. No matter what you offer it shows your customers that you want them and they are important.
3. Data
Use the information you have about your customers to provide personalized offers and images on your mail pieces. The better targeted your mail is the more response you are going to get.
4. Share
Create the opportunity for your customers to sell for you with mail pieces they can share with others. These can have special friend discounts to incentivize them. Include shareable pieces in all types of mail such as letters, self-mailers and double postcards.
As you can see from just these 4 ideas you have many opportunities to sell more to your customers. So what are you waiting for? Sit down with your team and create a customer campaign as soon as possible. Depending on what you sell, you may have other items or services that would be a great fit for them. Make sure you are sending mail pieces that reflect how this other product or service benefits them. The more benefits there are the better opportunity you have to gain more sales.
Direct mail can be a powerful tool to generate sales when you use it correctly. Harness the power with your customers by using the data you have and the tools to enhance the draw of your pieces. You have many options to create pieces that draw the senses and create fun experiences. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today! We are glad to help!