Direct mail is a great way to generate sales for both B2B and B2C companies when it is done correctly.
20 years ago direct mail was pretty simple, now the planning execution and postal regulations are all more complicated. That is why we are here to help you. When you can truly create focused direct mail your return on your investment will be much greater.
What is focused direct mail?
Targeted to the right people
Your product or service is not right for everyone. Find the right people and send your direct mail to only them. You will save money by not sending to people who would not buy from you anyway.
Personalized with the right offers
Identify key pain points with your customers and prospects. Then address them with your offers in order to increase responses. When you can solve a problem with your product or service your offer has more value to the recipients.
Clear concise message
Start by writing out everything you want to say. Then pick only the most important things. Use bullet points to highlight only key information. You bold to draw attention to important words. This can take time and you should enlist the help of someone outside your organization to make sure they understand the messaging the way you intended.
Graphics and images that support the message
Your graphics and images should be able to enhance your message or even state your message without using any words. Selecting the best ones will take time. Make sure to have others look at them to spot any unintended references.
The last consideration is postal regulations
These can be a real problem if your direct mail has already been printed before we have looked at it. We can help you spot any problems that may cost you more in postage before you print. Remember, postage is your biggest expense and design elements that run afoul of postal regulations can cost two or more times as much money. A quick review of your pdf by our trained staff can save you.
If you have any questions or want a PDF reviewed contact us today. We are glad to help!