Email marketing is still a great channel however, many times marketers are doing it wrong.
It is time to look at your 2017 email marketing results and make some changes. What is your biggest challenge, open rates or click rates? We stipulate that it is most likely both. It’s hard to get your email opened and once opened get people to click.
So here are some tips to empower your emails.
Give your customers and prospects what they want, when they want it and need it. Be the first to email them important information or tips. Be brief and be actionable!
Give people a reason to open your email with a promise of value when they do. You must also deliver on that promise in the email.
No hard sell:
Talk about the benefits to them. You want to be authentic and genuine not just another sales pitch.
Personalize your email. When you speak to your customer/prospects’ interests, pain points or problems you will get your email opened and clicked. Grab your customer/prospects’ attention by adding value.
When you work up your next email campaign, incorporate all four of the above ideas to maximize your email results. The better you are able to match your offer to your customer or prospect the more opens and clicks you will get. Take a hard look at how often you are sending email too. Once a week is too often when you are selling a high price product or service, so look at how often people buy from you before you schedule email campaigns to them. If they just made a purchase hold off on another solicitation for a while, or you could send a thank you email as a follow up.
You should not be sending to your whole database, you should be segmenting them based on purchase history and offers best suited to them. There is such a thing as too much email. Be considerate of people’s time, if you are not, you will end up being ignored or sent to the trash. Also consider adding other marketing channels. When you send your marketing through multiple channels you increase your response rates. Are you ready to get started?
Contact us today! We are glad to help!