The American Thoracic Society (ATS) chose the beautiful San Diego Convention Center for the ATS 2018 International Conference. With over 15,000 attendees, the logistics for this four-day event are enormous and the organizers needed partners they could trust to assure everything comes together as planned. Ascend Integrated Media (AIM) juggled many of those moving parts for ATS, including the print collateral material.
Responsible for producing a Show Daily for each day of the convention, Ascend Integrated Media needed a printer with the band width to handle the tight turn times and provide peace of mind. Show Dailies highlight the previous day and preview the current day’s agenda. They are written, proofed, printed and delivered in a 10-hour time frame and are available to attendees when the convention center doors open. Our 24-hour operation, a location 10 minutes from the San Diego Convention Center and experience working in the convention space made Neyenesch Printers the ideal print partner. Printing with UV cured, instant drying inks and the ability to print two sides of the sheet in a single pass cuts press time in half and eliminates wait time for bindery and finishing operations.
In addition to printing Show Daily Programs, Neyenesch Printers served as a receiving and fulfillment partner for the team at AIM. Event corporate sponsors shipped materials for the events SWAG bag directly to our fulfillment center. The Neyenesch team received, inventoried, collated and inserted these items and delivered SWAG bags to the convention center and local hotels so they could be handed to the arriving conventioneers.
Many thanks to the team at Ascend Integrated Media and CEO, Barbara Kay ( for your confidence in Neyenesch Printers.
Client Feedback
“Working with Neyenesch is always a pleasure. Their customer service team is great and we feel confident that our projects will be completed accurately and on time! The print pieces turned out beautiful. In an industry with extreme deadlines, having the support of a vendor like Neyenesch makes our jobs much easier. Thanks so much!”
—Valerie Workman, Print and Distribution Specialist, Ascend Integrated Media LLC
The team at Neyenesch Printers often says “we are not in the printing business, we’re in the service business.” No one in San Diego puts ink on paper better then we do but it’s the experience that we provide our customers that sets us apart. This is especially true in the deadline driven world of convention show dailies. Contact us for more information on our services.