5 Social Media Facebook Ad Mistakes
Social media marketing with Facebook ads is a very common and profitable marketing strategy. However, sometimes there are errors that could have been avoided. Here we will discuss 5 potential Facebook ad mistakes you can make and what to do about them if you do.
Facebook Ad Mistakes:
- Wrong Objective – Facebook’s algorithm uses the objective you select to target your ads to people most likely to do it. If you choose the wrong objective, you will not meet your expectations. When choosing an objective, consider your goal and your sales funnel. If you want to grow your company in a new market, choose a top-of-funnel objective. If you want to generate more sales, choose a bottom-of-funnel objective. Now you will need to look at your optimization options at the ad set level. These options can help you refine the results you want. For example, an ad set using the traffic objective can be optimized for link clicks or landing page views.
- Audience Targeting – When was the last time you updated your audience selects? Using the same audience over and over decreases your results overtime. Consider some other targeting to increase your results. Broad targeting: Facebook recommends targeting users based on location, gender, and age to reach the widest possible group of people while optimizing ad delivery. Custom audiences: Build an audience based on people who have followed your Facebook page or interacted with your content. Lookalike audiences: Create value-based lookalike audiences based on conversion optimizations you’ve set up in Events Manager. If you aren’t sure which one is best for you, it’s a good idea to test two or more against each other. In Ads Manager, set up two ad sets that are identical aside from the audience. Then click the A/B Test button and add the ad sets to your experiment.
- Multiple Calls To Action – You may think you want people to do multiple things, but you must stick to one call to action per ad. Otherwise you lose out on clicks. Think of your CTA as a one-time opportunity to get your audience to act. Choose one CTA that reflects the main goal of your campaign. Then commit to it and reiterate your CTA in the button, ad copy, and creative. You can always make more than one ad too. Direct and concise CTAs perform the best.
- Same Creative – How long have you been using the same creative for your ads? Delivering the same creatives over and over causes ad fatigue. Essentially, your target audience starts to ignore your ad, or worse, they hide or report it. If you always create single image ads, you’ll never know if video or carousel ads could improve results dramatically. Try something new!
- Warm Audiences – Many times marketers are so focused on finding new targets that they forget about targeting people who are already warm to your product or service. So what should you do to reach them? You need to build retargeting audiences. Ads Manager gives you several options for retargeting warm audiences. At the ad set level, select the Retarget Ads option and choose the criteria. You can retarget people who viewed items, added items to a cart, or purchased from a different product set. Then crate the Ad that is going to get them to make a purchase.
Mapping out a good Facebook ad strategy may sound like a lot of work, but without a clear plan, you’ll end up with poor results. You’ll waste time and money. As you identify and address critical Facebook ad mistakes, continue to monitor ad performance over time to make sure you’re reaching the goals you’ve set. Before you create your next ad, make sure to address the 5 potential problems above. Are you ready to get started?